About us

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Who We Are

Our Vision

We work with Grass Root Community-Based Organizations to enable communities Resist, Survive & Overcome Socio-economic inequities

CAP-AIDS Uganda is a locally registered, Non-Profit Making & Charitable Organization. The organization was first registered as an NGO on April 13th, 2007 (S. 5914 / 6951) and the license has since been renewed by the National NGO Board for yet another period

At the outset of all partnerships, CAP-AIDS Uganda assesses the organizational and programmatic strengths and weaknesses of grassroots Community-Based Organizations (CBOs). We then provide tailored capacity-building support to empower them as community development actors in their communities and work alongside them to implement projects using a ‘learning through doing’ model. Once we have developed a track record with a partner we then provide small grants to further support their capacity in HIV & AIDS prevention, care, and community development initiatives. This model respects CBOs as best positioned to implement sustainable activities within their communities due to their specific local knowledge, relationship, and commitment to project outcomes over the long term.

Our Mission

CAP-AIDS Uganda works in partnership with rural grassroots community-based organizations/AIDS support organizations to support communities resist, survive, and overcome the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Uganda.

What We Are Doing
  • Implements projects alongside carefully selected Ugandan community partner organizations in support of HIV/AIDS prevention, care, treatment, and impact mitigation activities
  • Provision of bicycles through the Bike-A-Thorn program to enhance service delivery in the marginalized populations of Uganda
  • Improves the capacity of those organizations to access resources from national and multinational HIV/AIDS funding resources and implement activities in their own right and
  • Develops solidarity partnerships between Uganda AIDS Service Organizations and others in promoting livelihoods, education, knowledge, and skills of the vulnerable populations
  • CAPAIDS Uganda is also a member of Charter for Change Working Group in Uganda and hence participating in promoting the localization agenda through advocacy and its programs where the community if the priority
  • Provision of humanitarian support and emergency relief to persons in humanitarian crisis and vulnerable to HIV/AIDS and other disasters through membership in the local coalition accelerator program through which we are reaching out to the refugee population and Persons with special needs through resilience building and Cash Based Interventions. So far we have reached out to 415 beneficiaries between 2021 and 2022

Our Objectives

  • To build the capacity of grass-root community-based organizations, children, youth, and young adults to be able to address their local challenges and be a supportive block towards resisting, surviving, and overcoming HIV/AIDS in Uganda.
  • To promote Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights (SRHR) while reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS & other STIs
  • Support orphans, families, and communities to cope with the effects of HIV/AIDS and other kinds of humanitarian crises through skilling, livelihoods, protection, education, and information-sharing programs
  • Promote and protect the human rights of people and communities affected by HIV/AIDS and other STIs
  • Protection of populations in the humanitarian crisis from HIV/AIDS

Who We Work With

Since 2007, CAP-AIDS Uganda has worked with numerous Community Based Organization (CBO) in Uganda to support their efforts in the fight against HIV/AIDS epidemic. Some of the organizations we've worked with include the following;

Dyer Tek PLWA Association
Ogaba P’Dano PLWA Association
Aboke Women HIV/AIDS Association in Kole district
Mayam Mayam Association in the Acholi Sub-region
Agwata VHT Association
Lira Neighborhood Women Group
Opit Kic Association in Dokolo district
Needy Support Center (NSC) in Kampala
Oribcing Association
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Project Sustainability

CAP-AIDS Uganda remains focused on the sustainability of the projects that it implements, from the first stages through to the project’s completion.

CAP-AIDS Uganda works closely with District and Sub County government offices to ensure that links between existing structures and services can be formed, and the project results can be sustained and, in some cases, enhanced. Likewise, CAP-AIDS works to develop and maintain relationships with other HIV & AIDS service providers within the project areas to ensure continuity of care and support for project beneficiaries. CAP-AIDS liaisons closely with local authorities within the area of project implementation, and where appropriate, community-based organizations.

CAP-AIDS also strives to work as closely to the grassroots level as possible to ensure community participation and community ownership of the project and its results. Through these partnerships, CAP-AIDS also aims to capacity build individuals, the local government, and where appropriate community-based organizations, thus laying the foundation for sustainability of programs.

Our Donors

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