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Beneficiaries between 2021 & 2022
our identity

Who We Are

CAP-AIDS Uganda is a locally registered, Non-Profit Making & Charitable Organization. We were first registered as an NGO on April 13th, 2007 (S. 5914 / 6951) license has since been renewed again by the National NGO Board.

Our Vision

We work with Grass Root Community-Based Organizations to enable communities Resist, Survive & Overcome Socio-economic inequities

Provide tailored local leadership support & developing to frontline local actors in development & humanitarian work
Coordinating with coalition of 14 Local and National NGOs in Uganda
Implementing partner in Uganda for projects funded by the Canadian International Development Agency
Our Services

Our Programs

  • Education

    We provide School Sponsorships in formal education and Vocational Skilling Training in informal education.

  • Community Protection

    We support children in contact and conflict with the law, including refugee children, we also provide SGBV Protection.

  • Livelihoods

    Educating Communities to Find Long-Term Solutions to Poverty.

  • Climate Smart Agriculture

    We strengthen community empowerment and leadership in climate-resiliency

  • Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights

    We do Health Outreaches, and Health visits, provide health trainings/Screening of Girls and Women, we also provide Hygiene kits and all these health services are provided at the community level within locally available venues, such as schools, social halls, community grounds, markets and religious facilities, etc.
    We are now building a Safe Space Build at our field offices which will not only be a rescue place but a place for women & girls to access digital information & knowledge in addition to SRHR Services.

  • Strategic Network Engagements

    We coordinate The Local Coalition Accelerator (LCA) Program Uganda, a coalition of 14 local and National Organizations (LNOs) in Uganda designing and implementing Development and Humanitarian actions that respond to the effects of COVID-19 and beyond.
    C4C Uganda Working Group
    We also Chair the Charter for Change Uganda Working Group, launched in November 2019. The group brings together signatories, endorsers and allies of localization working together towards promoting local humanitarian leadership.

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Our skills rehabilitation program is now in its 2nd month, training girls & women survivors of GBV in life skills that will generate income to them & their H/Hs. At the end of the training, the best will be equipped with startup machinery & resettled back into their communities.

Exciting News from Bidibidi ! We're thrilled to extend our Locally Led Mapping exercise of LNAs using GSP to the settlement camps! With @CEFTRAWESTNILE leading the process in West Nile, we are now expanding the C4C locally mapped actors into the Settlements.

Happy to participate in this crucial engagement! QUAM beyound an assessment certificate is the only way to meaningful & quality partnership in driving locally led development & @ngoforum is the right fit as our local expert in supporting Local & National Actors in Ug @C4C_Uganda

Our Team Leader @NaomiAyot shares the inspiring story behind the founding of CAPAIDS Uganda and provides a general update on our Skills Rehabilitation Program at Friesen Harveys Home of Hope in Boroboro, Lira City!
@Kobs_Fifi @gad_rogers
@kevperkins @capnetworkca

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