Brave Village Project

Local Leadership Lab (LLL) initiative in the West Nile Region of Uganda

Brave Village Project

  • Introduction and Participants

The project involves multiple organizations, including Upendo Ni Barak Uganda (UNBU), Community Empowerment for Transformation Action (CEFTRA) – West Nile, Women Effort for Inclusive Development (WEID) – west Nile, HOSTHUB- Arua, WINA- Westline, West Nile Regional Civil Society Network (WECISNET), Nile Community Empowerment Network (NICEN), CSO Hub, Stride Action community Empowerment (SACE), Umoja Rescue Agency (UREA), Feminature Uganda,  Nebbi NGO forum, RAID, ICS, Restitute Team Uganda (RETE- UG), to mention but a few, attended.  Many of these Organizations have program focus in the inclusion, social empowerment, economic and livelihood empowerment, Women empowerment, Governance and social accountability, Democracy, gender and human rights, Climate change action, Girl child empowerment, Health and ICT thematic areas.

These organizations focus on areas such as inclusion, social empowerment, economic and livelihood empowerment, women empowerment, governance, democracy, gender and human rights, climate change action, girl child empowerment, health, and ICT.

CAP AIDS Uganda Programs and Projects


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Mr. Hofin from HETE-UG: Highlighted CAPAIDS Uganda’s role in enabling communities to overcome socio-economic inequities and discussed the Grand Bargain, an agreement to improve humanitarian aid efficiency.

Charter for Change (C4C): Aimed at transforming humanitarian systems to promote equality and strengthen local actors.

Localization: Emphasized decentralization, empowering local actors, and making aid more inclusive by putting local voices at the center.

Local Leadership Lab Project (LLLP) Presenter: Mr. Raymond Musana: The LLL aims to empower grassroots organizations to address socio-economic inequities through a three-phase implementation: discovery, ideation, and implementation. The project seeks to create context-specific spaces for learning, mutual understanding, and co-creation of solutions.

Challenges and Opportunities

  • Challenges
    • Limited funding capacity
    • Delayed fund disbursements
    • Unhealthy competition among CSOs
    • Lack of administrative cost funding
    • Bureaucratic registration processes
    • Shrinking CSO space
      Poor community mindset towards development.
  • Opportunities
    • Presence of refugees and enabling political environment
    • Existing network memberships
    • Positive media relationships
    • Availability of local resources.
  • Recommendations
    • Increase direct funding for administrative costs.
    • Modify funding approaches to support multi-year operations.
    • Build capacity of local actors through training.
    • Improve CSO coordination and communication.
    • Review legal compliance issues to facilitate easier NGO registration.
  • Key Emerging Issues
    • Legal compliance
    • Inadequate implementation of laws
    • Delayed signing of MOUs
    • Sustainability issues
    • Shrinking civic space
    • Low support for overhead costs
      exploitation by lead partners
    • Poor coordination
    • Pressure on local resources.
  • Strategies and Actions
    • Awareness sessions
    • Advocacy
    • Reducing funding requirements
    • Partnerships
    • Diversifying funding sources
    • Mindset change initiatives
    • Increased transparency in operations


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